Loli Jane Animal Communication & Healing

Episode #22: Walk-Ins, Animals Switching Souls

June 11, 2024 Loli Jane Season 2024 Episode 22

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Learn all about Animal Walks-Ins or Animals Switching Souls, in this in-depth, deep dive, spiritual podcast. Loli Jane, Professional, International, Animal Communicator, will share her knowledge and actual personal and client experience with walk-in situations, where one soul leaves and another one comes into an existing animal body. Learn spiritual, esoteric teachings how the soul and the body is not the same thing, Learn that death is not the end, learn what a walk-in or soul switch is, why souls want to leave, how walk-ins work, how it will actually take place, and much more about human and animal walk-ins. Loli will also discuss lost animal cases where animals and pets run away to do the soul-switch on their own without human intervention. Learn how to identify that your animal is a walk-in, personality changes, and preferences, after a walk-in transition is complete. 

Loi Jane is a professional, international animal communicator and energy healer and works remotely or in-person on specific issues including:  behavioral, emotional, obedience, physical & health issues, injury, trauma, behavioral, emotional issues, end of life decisions, animal mirroring or even talking to them in spirit, past lives and locating lost animals. To book a session go to or or Wanna learn animal communication or mind, body, spirit classes? Join her in her upcoming Classes & Workshops at

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